Culture 360
celebrating the creativity of care experienced young people
These first issues of our e-zine has been a labour of love for the past year. We have learned loads and want you to share it far and wide, encourage everyone to read it and feedback their thoughts as well as get more young people involved to help create its content.
If you would like to join the editorial team for or would like to share visual, written or filmed contributions to be featured in other issues, then don't hesitate to get in touch here.
Get in touch also to hear more about the training on offer and the plans for each of the next editions.
We are really excited to share your views, thoughts and art-works for others to ponder and appreciate.
Nicole, Ashley and Mahado, Editorial Team 1.
We are grateful to Young Start and The National Lottery Community Fund for their generous support.
The Articulate Cultural Trust is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation, number: SC047054.